
Still a church

Recently in Montréal, people with bad ideas have been succesful. On top of that, the i'm-ready-to-sell-your-mother businessmen that decided, someday, that churches weren't lucrative enough for them. They then decided to offer big amounts for the old buildings, part of the Heritage of our history.

Big contracts, big money. They renovated those churches and made condos instead. Other i-don't-give-a-damn-about-your-religion people decided to buy the condos, for astonishing prices. Even then, it got sold in very small time.

Now, when I pass by a church in Montréal that's still alive, that has not been raped by the hand of sharks surrounding every peace of anything that can be turned into money, I smile.


ol said...

I agree with you. This situation is weird from an european point of vue. Maybe it's happening here too... I think you're selling off a part of your culture. But a lot of people seems to be ok with this situation. I'm glad to see you're not.

Unknown said...

I'm totally in line with you >:-<
I'll be in Canada this summer, I'll pay attention to that.

Unknown said...

I'm totally in line with you >:-<
I'll be in Canada this summer and I'll look out for that.