Theme day - february : "What Montréal is best known for ?"
Thème de février : "Pour quoi Montréal est réputée ?" I didn't have a difficult choice on that one ! As you might know, the Montréal Canadiens will celebrate, next season, their first centennial (1909-2009) as Montréal will host the All-Star game AND the draft session ! Bunch of activities are to take place near the Bell Center, like (that is anticipation, I'm not involved in the committee) the number retirement of the best goalie of all time, #33, Patrick Roy. But hey, let's this 99th finish with success before thinking our 25th Stanley Cup of next season ! :0)
Ce ne fut pas un choix très difficile ! Comme vous le savez peut-être, les Canadiens de Montréal célèbreront, la prochaine saison, leur premier centenaire (1909-2009) en acceuillant le macth des Étoiles ET le repêchage ! Plusieurs activités seront au menu autour du Centre Bell, comme (ceci est de l'anticipation, je ne suis impliqué dans aucun comité) le retrait du numéro du gardien de but le plus fabuleux de tous les temps, #33, Patrick Roy. Mais bon, laissons cette 99e saison se terminer avec succès avant de penser à la 25e Coupe Stanley de la prochaine saison !
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I loved hockey growing up in St. Louis. The Canadians are Montreal. Nice shot.
I'm ashamed to say that I didn't know this but am happy now I do and will look out for news of the celebrations.
Down South, we don't know much about hockey other than it is a very fast-paced game on ice. Nice photo.
that was an unexpected choice, but a good one.
we were at a game at the Bell Center two years ago. it was the most fun i've ever had at a hockey game. it was terrific.
I love your photo. There's something about it, but can't put my finger on it... A sense of history, nostalgia...
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A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
The Goddess In You
Of course! Happy Theme Day!
Very nice have a lot of interesting things happening this year!
Congratulations on your winning team. And Happy Theme Day from Maui, Hawaii.
I am coming to Montreal in July....looking forward to the husband loves hockey ....thanks for sharing.
Ah, this was not first in my mind, but it makes perfect sense now that I see it! I started thinking about literary Montreal, then Mordecai Richler and a children's book of his, The Street, I once saw animated by painting ink on glass. . . it was amazing. Then I thought of how Richler mentioned in one of his books I've read that he dreamed of playing for the Canadians or the Leafs. Happy Theme Day!
Seattle Daily Photo
Lots of team pride showing in your post!
Montreal will also have a surprise party in August of that year. I hope to get the Montreal Symphony to do a salute to Science Fiction
at the Palais du Congress sometime between August 6 to 10th when the
WORLDCON Science Fiction Convention
the mother of all conventions,
67th edition, will be in town. Won't tell you what the events are but the anniversary of the Canadians will certainly be a
strong point for this one. My uncle Hillel was the greatest violinist of 1940, in Canada, the youngest member ever of the Montreal's music guild, at age 15 written up in every great paper in the country:
the Montreal and Toronto Dailey Star, the Montreal Gazette, Hamilton Spectator, the Montreal Herald, La Presse, even, get this: Le Devoir. Hillel won scholarship to the Toronto Conservatory of Music in 1945. Would be a real treat to have him play for us in Montreal.
He tells me he played on the roof of Aranoff's Tavern on Papineau Street. He founded the Ontario Esbe Science Centre on Yonge Street in the late 40s and the Canadian Rocketry Society in 1942.
His friend at age 12 in school was Andre Mathieu whose music was used for the 1976 Olympics. I remember my uncle launching a rocket on the very site of the Olympic stadium before the stadium was ever built. He also launched a rocket through the ceiling of Eatons department store in Downtown Toronto. Perhaps a sign of things to come.
My uncle was 'our great Osama', who like Charlie Chaplain was 'the great dictator'. (My uncle once showed me Toronto posters for the local showing of Salvador Dali and I've a photo of him with a missle on his head).
It has been said that my uncle actually spoke with Von Braun, and he was the Man on the Moon at the 1967 Ontario Science Centre two years before Man actually landed on the moon.
Hey I guess Maurice and the French aren't the only stars in the line-up tonight.
Louis Rubinstein was the first internationally famous Canadian and he was a figure skater and was
Jewish like my uncle.
I am Hebrew
and my uncle Hymen, Hillel's brother, owns the Schwartze's ''Hebrew delicatessen'' which is just around the corner from where my father Jack's grandfather Marks lived.
Marks also had a son who taught violin. His grandson Howard was one of Montreal's greatest developers building most of Brossard.
Howard tells me that in the early 70s he had his best day ever selling '''34''' homes in one day!
Go go Hillel go!!!!!!!!!!! Its all in the stars of Abraham, and the original Hillel who later Hillels are named after, created the Hebrew Calendar many thousands of years ago.
Remember Rene Levesque was there when Aushwitz was liberated and the Americans won the war. One of the reasons Hillel left town were the Nazi swastikas being waved along the main. They say when he walked along the main with his violin case he looked like he might have been concealing some other ''futurian'' weapon within.
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